The Cotswolds Retirement Village – a unique established community

Presented by Isolde Martyn

Coffee & Chat

Thursday 11th April

2.30 pm in the Lounge

Isolde Martyn is best known for well-researched historical novels set against turbulent times.

Her debut novel The Maiden and the Unicornwon the prestigious RITA Award for ‘Best First Novel’ from Romance Writers of America.

Chairperson of the Plantagenet Society of Australia, which she co-founded with five other enthusiasts twelve years ago. She is also a former Chairperson of the Sydney Branch of the Richard III Society.

Isolde has worked as a university history tutor, research assistant, and archivist. Her other career has been editing and she was a Senior Book Editor with a major international publishing house before writing fiction full-time. Isolde is a lady with an absolute passion for history and writing historical fiction is a wonderful way for her to share her enthusiasm. She will take you on an armchair journey back to “Medieval London”.

Following the talk, the served Afternoon tea.  

Please place your name in the Social Activities book at reception.